Caller, organizer, sound tech, ambassador, choreographer, leader -
Ridge wears many dance hats. When on the stage - and not behind the
scenes making things happen - he is known for his "interesting" and
"different" dances, integrating new dancers with the more experienced
crowd with effective teaching and a gentle demeanor.
From NEFFA to weekend festivals to well-known dance series to semi-regular
local dances to one-night stands, every dance is equally important to Ridge -
opportunities to celebrate with music.
For the callers and dance historians out there, you may recognize
him as the founder and keeper of the Trad-Dance-Caller listserv -
a network of diverse interests and individuals sharing in their common
passion about traditional dancing in its many forms.
Wanting to grow up to be Pete Seeger, Ridge was a song leader long
before becoming a dance caller. Known for his singing squares, he
has also been known to break into chanteys, gospel, or anything
that will entice others to join him in song.
Join Ridge for a little dance and song in Atlanta in May.